Connect with Top Talent


Choosing the ideal resource can be challenging. Traditional hiring and platforms like Upwork & Fiverr can be time-consuming, costly, and don't always scale with big projects, often lacking a quality assurance.

At TSPC, we streamline this process.

We'll match you with a pre-screened resource swiftly, enabling you to start immediately.

Our Product Managers are primed to deliver top-tier quality from day one.

Plus, we back our service with a 30-day satisfaction guarantee, entirely commitment-free.

How It Works?

Step 1:

  • Brief Introduction call to outline the problem or project you want to tackle. Here, we will determine if TSPC is a good fit.

Step 2:

  • Internally, we will assign a Product Manager that best suits your specific use case and introduce them to you for your approval.

Step 3:

  • Once approved, this resource becomes part of your team, just as though they were an in-house employee.

Step 4:

  • No-risk 30-day guarantee. If you’re not 100% satisfied with the service provided, we can restart the process.

We’ve helped industry-leading Fortune 500 companies and pre-seed Start-ups alike!